David Colburn. DMin

Bibleseven - Bible Study Resources

Bible studies with commentary and guided discussion in 7 day groups,
each followed by prayer and action to 'write the Word on our hearts'.

These peer-reviewed studies are authored by a
graduate of fully accredited masters & doctoral programs from
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and Bethel University Theological Seminary.
Formerly licensed by an independent evangelical fellowship, as well as the
Evangelical Free and Baptist General Conferences, and currently ordained by the
Southern Baptist Conference. Also accredited and employed as a chaplain.

If you would like to be added to the direct E-mailing list of the Daily Devotionals please
send your E-mail address to "dcolburn" followed by "@" at the domain "bibleseven" dot com.
We send the Daily Devotionals "bcc" to protect your address from spam.
Donations may be sent via Paypal using the same email address

Updates are planned for Early-2018


In Chronological Order

52 Weeks of Daily Studies and Daily Devotionals

Study text updated 2014/2015 plus the new
Kid Teen Adult Lesson Zoom
helpful learning aids, pictures, etc.

Recommended Android Reader for the
epub, mobi, or doc versions is
CoolReader v3.0


Chronological GOSPELS
12 Weeks of Daily NT Studies +KTALZ
(12 of the 52 weeks of NT daily studies)

Study text updated Spring 2014 plus the new
Kid Teen Adult Lesson Zoom
helpful learning aids, pictures, etc.


Canonical NT (excluding the Gospels and Revelation)
32 Weeks of 52 weeks of daily NT Studies +KTALZ

Study text updated 2014 plus the new
Kid Teen Adult Lesson Zoom
helpful learning aids, pictures, etc.

Revelation +KTALZ
Canonical NT
Final 8 Weeks of 52 weeks of daily NT Studies +KTALZ

Study text updated 2013 plus the new
Kid Teen Adult Lesson Zoom
helpful learning aids, pictures, etc.

Copyright: All materials herein (anywhere on the http://bibleseven.com domain) are copywritten but no permission is required to use them
in a church or school context for discipleship IF the source is properly documented wherever and however this content is used, and all
additions and/or deletions are clearly labeled so as to not misrepresent the integrity of the original text. This content is never to be used
in any printed document or online resource without a link to this site (so that the reader has access to the most current updates to the content).
Permission to include any of this content in a printed document OR for any commercial purpose must be requested and approved in advance in writing.

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